FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


( Guidance Of Buying )


亲爱的美眉,欢迎来到QQvonne 的店铺,很荣幸可以为您服务。在订购之前,请务必仔细阅读以下购物须知。谢谢!

(To all dearest MM, welcome enjoy QQvonne services, please read the information below before order~Thank You!)



(Order Procedure:)


1. 请您想要订购的宝贝资料, 收货人资料, 地址和电话号码,确记后请以SKYPE / EMAIL / SMS 来进行保留宝贝,宝贝保留期只限3天_哦!

(Those who like to reserve the items, please select the item information & remember to fill-in receiver particular, address & H/P No information by SKYPE / EMAIL / SMS to inform. Please be remembered that using the reserve period will not more than 3 days.)


2. 下单后请于3天内付款,否则宝贝决不保留。欲查询我们的户口号码请点击上方的付款方式。

(After submit order, if QQvonne doesn't received any payment, the reserved items will be cancelled. Please click on the top Payment Method for our bank account number.


3. 汇款后请您以 EMAIL / SMS / SKYPE 的方式来进行付款通知。

(After bank-in, please remember to EMAIL / SMS / SKYPE inform us.)


4. 至于使用ATM转账,网络银行(Online Banking) 转账或是到银行柜台汇款的美眉,请填上“Cash Deposit”

( Payment can be made through ATM/Online Banking 3rd party transfer or counter banking for "Cash Deposit". )


5. 当QQvonne收到您的汇款之后将会尽快发货,发货后我们的客服人员将通知您准备收货。

(After QQvonne received your payment, the Stock will be delivered As Soon As Possible & our service people will inform you for prepare to receive the goods.)


6. 星期六,星期日和公共假日没有邮寄服务。

 ( Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday no delivery services. )


7. 如果您订购的宝贝刚好断货,我们将会建议您选购其他的宝贝。由于QQvonne所有的宝贝在发货前都经过专人检查,确保商品正常才发货所以本公司暂不接受商品退换。

 (If your reserved item is out of stock, we will suggest MM to reserve other items. Before Packing, we will made a quality control checking first, to make sure that the stock is in good condition. Therefore QQvonne have a rules of goods sold are not returnable.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________




1. 凡是在预购上的宝贝,请各位美眉必须等待一到两个星期内收货。如有更改将会另行通知。
(Pre-order items are stocks which are not on hand and therefore, please wait around 1 to 2 weeks to receive the items. If have any exchanges time we will inform your.)

2. 请看预购之前的所有条规:
(Before ordering pre-order items, please read the rules & regulations below:)

(FULL PAYMENT is needed before delivery.)

(Please make payment within 3 days after the order is placed. Order will be cancelled automatically if no payment is received.)

(Once the payment is made, refund are not allowed.)

(Please THINK CAREFULLY before you order.)

(Shipping charges are not included in all price listed.)

(Sometimes the ordered items will be arrived later than 3 weeks due to several factors) - eg: customs
(Once items are out of stock, MM allowed to reserve other items.)
(Once the order is placed, please follow our rules & regulations.)


(Shipping Method:)


(1) 西马主要城市 - Main Town (West Malaysia - within Peninsular Malaysia)

     首3kg - RM 9.50 , 续重 每kg - RM 1.50

     (First 3 kg - RM 9.50 , Additional 1 kg - RM 1.50)

(2) 西马非主要城市 - Suburban Area (West Malaysia - within Peninsular Malaysia)
     首3kg - RM 19.50 , 续重 每kg - RM 1.50

     (First 3 kg - RM 19.50 , Additional 1 kg - RM 1.50)

(3) 东马主要城市 - Main Town (East Malaysia - Sabah & Sarawak)
       首1kg - RM 16.00 , 续重 每kg - RM 16.00

     (First 1 kg - RM 16.00 , Additional 1 kg - RM 16.00)

(4) 东马非主要城市 - Suburban Area (East Malaysia - Sabah & Sarawak)
       首1kg - RM 26.00 , 续重 每kg - RM 26.00

     (First 1 kg - RM 26.00 , Additional 1 kg - RM 26.00)

  * We use Nationwide courier services *





1. 所有条规的解释权在于QQvonne网络店铺,如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。 
(QQvonne Online Fashion holds the rights of these terms and conditions, any amendment will not be notify.)


2. 由于个人的电脑显示器会因不同的设置而产生不同的色调;而每个人对于颜色的辨识度并不一样,我们无法保证您所看到宝贝的颜色与宝贝实际颜色完全一致。

(There are no 100% gurantee of the same colour of the original product with the one display on your computer due to certain circumstances.) 

3. 货物寄出,恕不退还或更换。一律采用快邮,收到商品后请报平安。

(We will not be held responsible for any damages, loss during delivery. Goods delivered are not returnable or exchangeable. Please inform us ASAP when goods received.) 


4. 宝贝上的价格是不包括运输费的哦!各位美眉必须自付~谢谢! 
(Shipping charges are not included in all price listed. Customers have to bear of the shipping charges.)




( Welcome to contact us if you have any inquiry.)



( Thanks for support ~ MM)




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